
Do Deer Eat Hydrangeas?

Deer do have preferences when it comes to the plants they eat. However, they will eat just about every type of vegetation if they are hungry enough. Let’s take a look at the question “Do deer eat hydrangeas?” to see how likely these plants are to be a buffet for these animals. There are several …

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What Kills Rats Instantly?

Snap Trap Kill Rat Instantly

When rats become a problem around the home or yard, killing them is a common solution. However, not all methods of extermination are the same in regard to how humane they are to the animals. A humane approach is to learn what kills rats instantly (or close to it), so that they do not suffer. …

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Do Deer Eat Pumpkins?

Deer eat pumpkins

Deer will eat just about anything edible if they are hungry enough. However, they do have preferences for some foods over others. Deer do eat pumpkins and they are one of their more prefered foods. According to the University of Massachusetts, pumpkins are one of the most susceptible crops for deer damage. Deer tend to …

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Do Skunks Climb?

Most people rarely encounter skunks since they are nocturnal and avoid humans. If skunks are spotted, they are usually seen scurrying around the yard or along the roadside. We would suspect that most people probably have not seen skunks climbing up trees or sitting on top of their fence. So, do skunks climb? The answer …

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Do Deer Eat Roses?

will Deer eat Roses

If you have roses in your yard, you likely appreciate their beauty and potentially their fragrance as well, if you have a variety that produces that distinctive rose scent. Additionally, you probably realize the hard work that goes into caring for these flowers. Given the above, it is safe to assume that most people would …

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Does Bleach Kill Roaches?

bleach kills roach

The numerous ways to use bleach seem endless. It is commonly used around households as a cleaner, but a quick internet search will reveal many uses beyond killing germs. A common question we hear about bleach is how effective it is at killing or keeping away pests. Today we are going to explorer specifically “does …

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Do Deer Eat Marigolds?

Deer Eat Marigolds

If you have deer that frequent your yard, you likely have received some plant damage from their grazing. In some areas, it is not uncommon for a garden to be decimated overnight from a hungry herd. While it may seem that deer have no particular favorites when it comes to vegetation, they actually do have …

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