What is the Fastest Growing Grass Seed?

Fastest Growing Grass Seed

The type of grass that is right for your property depends on your climate. For example, if you live in the northern part of the United States, cool season grass seed works best here. In the warm southern areas, warm season grass seed is recommended. There is also a transition zone that travels through the middle of the country that uses a mix between cool and warm region grass seeds. The common grasses found in each of these zones are as follows:

Common Cool Season Grasses

  • Tall Fescue
  • Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Perennial Ryegrass

Common Transition Zone Grasses

  • Tall Fescue
  • Zoysia
  • Bermuda
  • Perennial Ryegrass
  • Kentucky Bluegrass

Common Warm Season Grasses

  • Zoysia
  • St. Augustine
  • Centipede
  • Bahia
  • Berumuda
  • Centipede

Fastest Growing Grass Seed

If you are looking for a fast growing grass seed,  perennial ryegrass is considered the go to seed for quick growth. The seeds will typically germinate within 5 to 10 days.  In fact, when you buy grass seed that is labeled as “Fast Grow” or “Quick Grow” the seed blend is commonly dominated by ryegrass.

You should be aware that grass seed labeled as “Quick or Fast Grow” often contains annual ryegrass. Annual ryegrass will typically die out at the end of the season requiring you to reseed the following year. We strongly suggest that you read the grass seed bag and do research before you buy a fast grow grass mix of seed. Many of these products are temporary solutions to seeding bare or thinning areas in your yard. You should opt for a quality pernnial ryegrass if you are looking for seeds that grow quickly and will not die out.

Two other relatively fast growing grass seeds are tall fescue and bermudagrass. I have personally planted turf-type tall fescue in my yard and it germinated within about 12-14 days. It started noticeably look like a presentable lawn about three to four weeks after germination.  This is typical for this type of grass. Bermudagrass will germinate within about 7 to 10 days when the soil temperatures are about 65 to 70 degrees.

Promoting Grass Seed Growth

The above germination times assume that you plant the seed as recommended by the manufacturer. For example, if you live in Michigan, the ideal time to plant perennial ryegrass is early fall as weed growth diminishes and temperatures cool. The seeds require daily watering, ideally at least twice a day. Additionally, starter fertilizer helps promote growth by supplying nutrients to the root system of the seedling. You likely are not going to achieve stellar results if you plant this same seed in mid-July in 90 degree temperatures and practice lazy watering. Quick germination is not just about the type of seed you buy, but also the environment and care you provide in growing in seed.

Looking Beyond Quick Growing Grass Seed

While fast growing grass seed is nice when your yard is an eyesore and you want it looking good quick, it is not always the best choice. Most homeowners would be better served choosing a seed that works best for their particular region and will also look amazing for years down the road. This is at least partly the reason why the slow germinating  Kentucky Bluegrass is so popular for grass growers. In most cases, you should be thinking long term. I much rather have the best lawn on the block than be concerned about germination times.