Can You Compost Orange Peels?

Yes, orange peels can be composted and they are an excellent addition to a compost pile. However, they take a long time to break down when left in larger pieces. Slicing the peels into smaller pieces helps decrease the decomposition time. If you leave them whole, there is a good chance that peels will remain […]

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Red Maple vs Japanese Maple

There are around 100 species of maple trees out there. Two of the most common choices for yards around North American are the red maple and the Japanese maple. While both are gorgeous, particularly in the fall, they are quite different trees. We will take a look the red maple vs Japanese maple to help

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Can Peat Moss Be Used as Mulch?

Mulch covers a wide range of materials. A few popular choices include bark, compost, rubber, hardwood, rocks, pine straw, and grass clipping. Its primary purposes include the following: Curb Appeal – A generous layer of mulch around the landscaping beds in the spring often gives the yard an extra pop that often lasts well into

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Do Possums Eat Chickens?

Possums Eat Chickens? Possums are omnivores, which means they eat both animals and plants similar to most humans.  However, when we think of opossums eating animals, most of use likely picture a small rodent, a frog, or maybe a larger animal that is an easy meal as road kill. Many readers probably picture the chicken

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