Can You Compost Paper Towels?

compost paper towel

If your household is anything like mine, you probably go through an enormous amount of paper towels per week. Admittedly, I often opt to use a paper towel when I probably should use a cloth towel. Yes, I need to work on this, but I think many people are likely in the same boat. Well, […]

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Best Time to Buy a Lawn Mower

best time to buy a lawn mower

If your lawn mower unexpectedly breaks down in the middle of the summer, you probably aren’t going to worry too much about when is the best time to buy a lawn mower. You will need to find a new lawn mower quickly so that your grass does not become unruly in the coming weeks. However,

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How Much Does a Push Mower Weigh?

Weight of a Push Mower

Push lawn mowers are typically designed with their weight in mind. The manufacturers realize that the users must exert some effort to push the mower through their yard; therefore, they typically do not make them overwhelming heavy. Push mowers are ideal for a small yard where the operator will not be exhausted from the excessive

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